Development | Social/ Comedy | Feature Film | IN-HOUSE | 2024


Sergi and José, two young men about to turn 30, start a romantic relationship in 2005, but they have different perspectives on the idea of starting a family. Sergi wants to adopt a child, taking advantage of the recent approval of same-sex marriage in Spain, while Jose does not feel ready for parenthood. This discrepancy creates tensions between them.

Despite José's initial resistance, an information session on adoption in 2010 makes him change his mind and apply to adopt. However, the economic crisis and the possible repeal of marriage between people of the same sex in 2011 create instability and cause its rupture. They finally reconcile and decide to continue with the adoption process.

In 2018, Sergi and José receive the news that they have been assigned a boy, David, whom they will name Joel. The bonding process with the child, which includes the collaboration of a foster family and the psychologist, is intense but rewarding. They learn to care for their child and to address the emotional scars of their abandonment, building their new family with love and patience.

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